Amend loans digitally.

Best in class Liability Management technology. You can now use LedgerComm to run amend & extend, cashless roll and loan amendment processes. If you're looking for a fully digital alternative to LendAmend then look no further. 

  LedgerComm is ISO27001 certified

Who is it for ? 


You're an Agent and you want a fully digital solution to loan amendment software 

Legal Counsel

You’re a lawyer and you're fed up with collating votes on spreadsheets and word documents until 3am !


You’re a Borrower and you want to track who has and hasn’t voted on your amendments in real time

Download our Product comparison 

See the functionality vs LendAmend, DebtDomain and Syntrak

    Loan AgentPrivate Credit managerBank

    Unique features for an evolving market.

    Borrowers and lenders require better data and a more flexible product

    Reinvestment period visibility

    Access which funds in your syndicate are still in their reinvestment period

    Cashless roll fund reallocation

    Cashless rolls are not simple yes/no votes. LedgerComm allows you to vote your commitment and reallocate to other funds managed by you. Saving you, the borrower and law firms hours of communication via email.

    KYC and Permissioned lender check list

    Our platform will check your fund KYC status at the agent and also highlight if any of your new funds are on the permissioned lender list.

    Enable real time vote tracking for borrowers

    Our security protocols allow borrowers and agents to enable sponsors and connected law firms direct access to voting process to track in real time.

    Features list

    • Data room

    • Fee invoicing

    • Early bird fees

    • Customise docs

    • Public/Private controls

    • Multiple credit agreements

    • Aggregate votes to 1 master currency

    • Pay as you go option

    • Snooze you lose function

    • Exclude sponsor affiliate lenders

    • Digital audit trail of votes

      Let us take the heavy lifting out of your amendment process 

      This is a pay as you go no subscription needed feature

      Give us a call on +44 7899 901668, leave a message,
      or book a demo ›