Too often KYC causes massive settlement delays.You need visibility into the KYC process.
We've built a Facebook for KYC
Agents, lenders & borrowers can maintain their own KYC profile with all key information on there. SSI, UBO, PEP, Passport information, latest financials and tax information.
Friend requests
Users can share their KYC information on the platform with trading counterparties, borrwers & Agents.
Approve KYC on your professional network and maintain Counterparty lists
Users can see if others have approved KYC or not. Settle your trades quicker.
KYC delays are a huge problem for Agents, lenders & borrowers
To get a demo of our KYC software get in touch
We're always open for a chat.
Give us a call on +44 7899 901668, leave a message, or book a demo ›
LedgerComm Ltd
20 Eastbourne Terrace, London W2 6LA, United Kingdom