Customisable Borrower reporting portal - a unique offering
Borrower reporting reliable. Automated. Synchronised.
What’s the problem we're solving?
Lenders often require borrowers to regularly update them on the business, projects and financials. This information has to be delivered according to multiple conflicting schedules.
In the case of secured leveraged finance transactions and infrastructure deals this requirement can be extensive.
Infrastructure deals that operate on a delayed capital draw basis often require submission of lot of progress documentation before lenders release the next tranche of capital. Missed filing your docs and you won’t get the money you need when you need it.

It's a full time job....
But not a particularly fun one! Imagine the workload to define all these schedules manually, every year counting the number of business days across multiple different jurisdictions to ensure the right reporting date is not missed. It is a process prone to manual error that carries severe consequences for borrower, lenders and agents if not done properly.

Our borrower reporting portal delivers what you need
Your business will be more efficent, allowing you to deliver the level of customer service your clients deserve

Automated Covenant monitoring & exeption reporting
Set covenants based on hard asset values, ratios, a range of values, yes/no answers.

Schedule key events
LedgerComm allows you to schedule reporting deadlines multiple years in advance, taking account of business days across multiple jurisdictions

Avoid key man risk around reporting
All users of an organisation can have access to reporting schedules and reports, mitigating for sick days/holiday/absentism

Automate key document collection
Push a list of required documents to your portfolio companies. Get what you need when you need it

If you'd like to try our product, please email us. Set up takes a few minutes and you can run it alongside your existing software with no integration needed. It comes free with our standard dataroom package.
Give us a call on +44 7899 901668, leave a message, or book a demo ›

LedgerComm Ltd
20 Eastbourne Terrace, London W2 6LA, United Kingdom