Loan agency software for banks, independent agents and private credit managers.

We don’t just make loan software, we have built an entire new network for the loan market. We make loan admin easier by connecting lenders, agents, administrators and borrowers on 1 platform. 

What makes LedgerComm unique?

LedgerComm is not just software; it's a network for loan agents that connects and scales your lending operations

The first loan software network for connected scalable lending operations

If you are a lender, borrower or fund admin, for the first time ever you will have access to the agent's golden source data

Only a network architecture can give you the ability to share your KYC details with other platform users. 

Key Platform Features

  • Loan settlement platform

  • Data rooms

  • Lender portal

  • Covenant monitoring

  • Payments

  • Amendment voting tool

  • KYC portal

  • Borrower access


    Why agents choose us 

    See your own loan deals in action

    We'll show you exactly how LedgerComm works. No generic presentations, we'll build out your loans on our platform.

    If you're tired of old loan infrastructure that doesn't meet your needs then get in touch to see how we can help

    To arrange a demo of our platform get in touch
    Give us a call on +44 7899 901668, leave a message, or book a demo ›

      LedgerComm Ltd, Old Sessions House. 22 Clerkenwell Green. Clerkenwell, London EC1R 0NA